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Public Lectures Quarterly (PLQ) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Division of General Studies, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU) and Klamidas.com. All lectures and academic addresses published on PLQ web pages are indexed on Google Scholar. Every lecture or address published in PLQ is complemented by an impressive profile of the author/speaker and a tabular highlight of their unique academic contributions, publications and recognitions.

Public Lectures Quarterly (PLQ) was introduced as a multidisciplinary platform in order to enable us to realize the following specific objectives: 

  • To generate, within the global academic community, productive interest in the work of noteworthy academicians, particularly professors and senior academic researchers, and to make their intellectual discourse accessible to a wider audience;
  • To showcase academic researchers’ significant contributions to knowledge in their fields of study and to highlight, as they deem fit, their current and future research programmes;
  • To expand the academic researcher’s potential to attract research collaborators or facilitators from other disciplines, institutions, or countries;
  • To bring, via PLQ, the scholar’s work or research to the attention of foundations and agencies who may want to fund their research project;
  • To attract for non-tenured scholars and public personages publishing their lectures and addresses in Public Lectures Quarterly (PLQ) due academic attention to their experiential ideas and fresh perspectives.   

*To be featured in Public Lectures Quarterly (PLQ), send your inaugural lecture, monograph or scholarly public address to plq@klamidas.com. Please, see the guidelines for submission of articles/lectures below. We will ask you to furnish us with your biographical, research or occupational information after your inaugural or public lecture is accepted for publication.

Click here to upload your lecture/address NOW