![]() Global Online Journal of Academic Research (GOJAR), Vol. 2, No. 1, January-February 2023. https://klamidas.com/gojar-v2n1-2023-04/ |
Workplace Harmony and Organizational Productivity of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Anambra StateBy Ifeoma Evangeline Odunukwe, Maureen Obiozo Anah & Mary Ukamaka Ezeh
ABSTRACT This study examined the relationship between workplace harmony and organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State. Four hundred and thirty-five (435) employees comprised of senior and junior staff of selected deposit banks were sampled in the study. The study adopted a correlation research design using a structured questionnaire to elicit data. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used to test the hypotheses. The result revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between mutual trust and organizational productivity. It was also found that there is a positive and significant relationship between communication and organizational productivity in selected deposit money banks in Anambra State. The study concludes that workplace harmony adopted by banks significantly influences their productivity in various dimensions. Based on findings, the following recommendations were highlighted: banks need to adopt a harmonious work environment that enhances the employees’ skills and makes them have a sense of belonging; constant training and development of employees should be encouraged to enhance their knowledge in tune with the need of the environment. Keywords: workplace harmony, mutual trust, communication, organizational productivity
INTRODUCTION In the fast-changing organizational environment, organizations are turning their focus to the human intellectual management and information system resources as a driving force behind their success and the sustainability of their competitive advantage; they are also encouraging innovation practices (Altamony et al., 2012). To some extent, these factors may contribute to the progress of the organization as well as determine whether they achieve their goals irrespective of the constituted workforce. Indeed, building a productive working environment is an quintessential part of every organization to survive and sustain in any business world. This is because the primary objectives of most organizations are to maximize productivity and provide a flexible work arrangement that benefit both the employer and employees’ who are committed and hence reduce labour turnover (Adim & David, 2020). Thus, every organization strives to develop a committed and conducive workforce that would facilitate effective and significant productivity by adopting the optimal methods to ensure employee retention (Yew; Riveros & Tsai, 2013). Given the competitive nature of banking sectors in Nigeria, there is a continuous struggle to stand out among others by inventing new service delivery strategies, good customers’ relationship and minimising the cost of change implementation. Despite the good number of efforts situated by the management of the banks, the poor survival rate of the workforce shows lack of a fundamentally valid framework of how to employ and manage organisational productivity (Igudia, 2021). Unfortunately, there is dearth of literature that examine the impact of organizational climate and work productivity among finanicial institution in Nigeria to the best of the researchers knowledge. Consequently, this study wants to bridge the lacuna in the literature within the Nigeria context. Organizational productivity defines the magnitude of output that results from performance behaviours as well as external contextual and opportunity factors of an organization (Zhang, Liao, Li & Colbert, 2020). It is an organizational asset that can be equated to progress and success (Asio, 2021). Specifically, this productivity significantly facilitates satisfaction to the employees, the organization, and other stakeholders. Thus, it is considered an essential component of any successful organization. Although organizational productivity may be viewed from different perspectives, it depends largely on its human factor and the physical work environment or arrangement. Research has opined that work-related productivity is measured in two ways such as subjective and objective measures (Farooq & Vij, 2018; Vij & Bedi, 2016). Subjective measures of productivity are capable of making cross-industry comparisons but can have problems with common method bias, social desirability, and supervisor biases (Vij & Bedi, 2016). The use of subjective measures of productivity is preferred over objective measures because managers can use the relative measures of performance. Improving work productivity is one of the important objectives of the organization because higher levels of employee productivity can be beneficial to both its employees and organizations (Hanaysha, 2016). Given these reasons, workplace harmony is an essential component of organizational turnout which facilitates positive growth and job involvement (Irawan & Sari, 2021). Although this may not be absolute in all organizations, other factors may play a subtle role in influencing the outcome of an organization depending on its goals. For example, literature has demonstrated that having a motivated, involved, and committed workforce is an important asset to an organization’s success that helps in maintaining employee motivation, commitment, and job involvement which is likely to improve productivity and lower turnover rates (Fossey, Harvey & Srivastava, 2013). Given the unstable global business workforce precipitated by the global pandemic which has continued to ravage Nigerian’s economy and its workingenvironment (Asio, 2021), there is a considerable need to explore factors that could improve work productivity to attract investors. Interestingly, building and maintaining a harmonious work environment has been underlined as a high priority in achieving a productive outcome in the organization (Leung & Brew, 2009). A harmonious workplace that guarantees the satisfaction of workers’ and employers’ aspirations is essential for enhanced organizational productivity and growth (Elangovan & Xie, 2000). It is critical to the success of an organization, especially the bank sector, managers of both the private andpublic sectors are faced with the challenge of ensuring workers’ satisfaction, commitment, and loyalty, increasing productivity level, and most importantly, sustaining harmony and mutual trust in the workplace (Adim et al., 2020). Organizations that rely on the material of remunerative control tend to use monetary rewards and fringe benefits in harnessing and controlling workers’ behaviour, while organizations that normative rely on the use and manipulation of symbolic representations and rewards in the control of workplace behaviour usually adopt a mix of the remunerative and symbolic control. In other words, a disharmonious work environment presents itself in the form of disagreement or opposition to particular ideas, interests, persons, or state of things and indicates a level of incompatibility in the society, organization, or group (Adim et al., 2020). However, workplace disputes are now becoming commonplace in most organizations today. Although not planned, but it has led to the collapse of several once viable organizations in the world today particularly in Nigeria. Securing effective organizational productivity is not one of those easiest things to do, but witha harmonious work environment,there is the possibility of attaining it. Given the above submission, this present study wantsto bring to the fore the possibility of securing efficient and effective productivitythroughworkplace harmony. Statement of the Problem The current competitive workforce in Nigeria has provided an advantage for employers and employees to establish a positive relationship in order to achieve their organizational goals. Consequently, this has empowered the employees to become more conscious of their rights and privileges in the collective contribution to the organizational productivity (Nwinyokpugi, 2015). This recent awareness in the organizational workforce has become a spotlight in increasingmanagerial process and the environmental condition of both the employers and the employees. The trend appears to be affecting workplace harmony since the frequency of management-workforce confrontations is rapidly increasing in many areas of the global economy.It is noteworthy that the workplace environment plays a crucial role in the lives of employees. Hence, organizations need to reconfigure their workplace in a manner that will allow employees to feel as an integral part of the organization (Amah and Ahiauzu (2013). Unfortunately, the inability to offer a pleasant and harmonious work environment has resulted in several issues and losses for both the company and its employees. Disrespect, continuous abuse, theft, gossiping, sexual harassment, absenteeism, lack of dedication, organizational sabotage, low worker morale, and frequent or excessive breaks are examples of such issues. As a result of these, the damages tothe workplace environment have become immersed to the extent that the workplace is experiencing low productivity, poor level of goal attainments, lack of cohesiveness, poor communications, and poor growth level.Essentially, these has led to disharmonious workplaces that sometime inhibit the effective of organisation. This is perhaps due to unprofessional behaviour of managers of such unions that are responsible for workers’ rights and privileges at work who do not play to the rules that guide workplace affairs. As such, it is our focus in this paper to find out how organizational productivity can be developedeffectively through workplace harmony. Objectives of the Study The broad objective of this study is to determine the nature of the relationship between workplace harmony and organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State. However, the specific objectives are to;
Research Questions In the context of the above objectives, the following research questions are raised for the study;
Research Hypotheses In the context of the research questions above, the following null hypotheses are formulated to give direction to this study: H01: mutual trust has no significant positive relationship with organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State. H02: Communication has no significant positive relationship with organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Concept of Workplace Harmony Workplace harmonyrefers to a friendly and cooperative agreement on workingrelationships between employers and employees for their mutual benefit (Osad & Osas, 2013). According to Puttapalli and Vuram (2012), workplace harmony is concerned with the relationship between management and employees with respect to the terms and conditions of employment and the workplace. In effect, it is a situation where employees and management cooperate willingly in pursuit of the organization’s aims and objectives. A positive work atmosphere is essential to a company’s success (Nkiinebari et al., 2014). Managers in both the commercial and governmental sectors confront the task of guaranteeing worker happiness, dedication, and loyalty while also boosting productivity. Workplace harmony in its ideal form presupposes an industry in a condition of relative equilibrium where the relationship between individuals and or groups is cordial and productive. Workplace Harmony can only come out of what is known as “organizational Democracy” a situation in an organization where to a larger extent, the participation of workers is adequately sought in the process of making decisions that will determine the conditions of their working lives. Workplace harmony enhances labour productivity and in turn improves performance inorganizations, achieving economic growth, and enhancing living standards and quality of life. Itcreates a peaceful working environment conducive to tolerance, dialogue and other alternatives (to strike) means of resolving workplace or labour disputes (such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, conciliation, and litigation or court adjudication). This creates a high level of employee satisfaction. Concept of Trust Trust is the “willingness of an individual or group to be vulnerable to the actions of others based on the expectation that they will perform a particular important action, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control performance” (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 2007, p.712). Trust helps you to develop effective individual, intergroup, and cross-group relationships and provides the foundation for a minded set that can lead to greater levels of performance, as well as collaboration, within your organisation (Jones & George, 1998; Poon, 2006). This mindset therefore includes a sense of obligation to corporate with others, a high degree of self confidence and confidence in one’s colleagues, a willingness to support one’s colleagues, willingness to subjugate one’s personal needs for the greater good. Trust can therefore be demonstrated in two levels namely trust in self which focus on task oriented that is competencies and the other level is trust in others which refer to the relationship. To have a greater performance requires an everyday feeling or level of trust in an organisation. Failure to these, lead to a low trust climate and low performance in an organisation. This therefore end up with employees feeling angry and betrayed because their expectations of the organisation’s toward them are not met. Trust is being vulnerable to someone even when they are trustworthy; trustworthiness is the characteristics or behaviours of one person that inspire positive expectations in another person, and trust propensity being able to rely on people. Once trust is lost, by obvious violation of one of these three determinants, it is very hard to regain. Trust should exist among all the people in the organisation especially the hierarchical relationship. There should be a relationship between the supervisor and the peer, also between co-workers and the entire stakeholders of the organisation. To create trust and gain trust is quiet challenging but not impossible. Since organisation exist to successfully satisfy stakeholders there must be a pro relationship between all the levels in the organisation and also quality human resource practices, leadership style, human resource policies in managing to be able to work effectively and achieve greater performance. Concept of Effective Communication It is often said that employee relations refer to how the human resources department communication with its employee. If there is effective interaction between the employer and employees, it will become a huge impact on the organisation’s performance, enhancing its productivity. Normally, the department of human resources assists in handling employee relations by identifying and solving problems at work. Besides that, the human resource department should measure and increase the employee’s morale, and the conflict in the organisation can also be reduced when the employee relations are positive. Based on Schroth (2019), communication skills involve the content and expression of social interaction. This involves the use of proper words and phrases, as well as the appropriate tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, and direct eye contact with the audience (Schroth, 2019). In a similar, Kumar and Manjula, (2017) stressed that transparency in communication is crucial for a healthy employee-employer relationship as it initiates group activities in the workplace, it helps an employees to develop a friendly approach with his/hercolleagues. Communication in an organization deals with the extent of exchanging information among employees to aware of the important aspects of the organization which includes institutional policy, strategy, procedures, and manuals that help them to understand what is expected of them and how they are going to accomplish their duties. In line with this assertion, Sequeira and Shriti (2015) in a study confirmed that well-informed employees are much higher in performance than those ill-informed employees. Furthermore, research carried out by Hasen and Salman (2016) asserted that there is a positive and significant influence of effective communication on employee performance as effective communication is an essential tactic that has been performed which can extract the ultimate of the employee to help both organizations and the employees to achieve their ultimate goal. Organizational Productivity Organizational productivity remains a primary element for success in most organizations (Haenisch, 2012). Organizational productivity can be defined as a measure of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost of the resources used (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). It shows whether the activity of an organization is efficient and effective (Saxena, 2014). In some cases, the terms productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness are used interchangeably by researchers who sometimes alternate their meanings. For example, Igudia (2021) stressed that work productivity measures the efficiency and effectiveness of production within an organization. Similarly, Igudia (2021) argued that work productivity encompasses the capacity or aptitude to maximise the use of physical resources, human resources, and other factors at lower production costs, increase market expansion, increase employment and, a rise in living standards. In this context, the human resource appears to be the must driving force of productivity needed to achieve the desired goals and objectives of any organisation as it is the only factor that gives effect to organisational change and guarantees the survival of the organisation using other resources (Igudia, 2021). Although other factors may play a significant role is determining productivity, human resource coordinates all other factors for the accomplishment of organisational goals. As opined by Tavakolia (2010) motivation, creativity, innovation, competitiveness, activity cost reduction, the improvement in the quality of activities, work time reduction, job satisfaction, and the spirit to achieve goals positively affect the level of productivity. Regardless of the workforce situation, every activities of an organization are design to achieve the set objectives (Ho, 2008). Employees’ inputs may contribute best output for the organisation with great impact on the total production, sales, profit, progress and market position of the company in the market (Igudia, 2021). In the same vein, economists define productivity as the relation between output which consists of a given product, service, and the amount of both, and input which consists of resources used in the product creation process, such as labor, materials, energy. Productivity could be seen as a the efficiency of a person, system, machine, factory, etc., in converting inputs into outputs. There are many different ways of measuring productivity. For example, factory productivity might be measured based on the number of hours it takes to produce a good, while in the service sector productivity might be measured based on the revenue generated by an employee divided by his/her salary (Ibid). In general, productivity is a measure of production efficiency; how much output is obtained from a given set of inputs (Al-Abri, 2017). In the context of service delivery firms like the financial institution sector, the firms invest more on their working force to sustain long term relationship with customer to provide service satisfaction (Khosa et al, 2016). Thus, lack of adequate workplace harmony may affect workers productivity which inturn affect their attitude to the job and customer’s relationship. Theoretical Framework This study is anchored on the theoretical framework of systems management theory developed by Jacqueline and Francesco (2010). The theory asserted that businesses consist of multiple components that must work in harmony for the larger system to function optimally. The organization’s success, therefore, depends on synergy, interdependence, and interrelations between subsystems. According to the theory, employees are the most important components of a company, and departments, workgroups, and business units are all additional crucial elements for success. According to this theory, managers should evaluate patterns and events within the organization to determine the best management approach. They need to collaborate and work together on programs to ensure success. Organizational success depends upon interaction and interdependence between the subsystems, synergy between the sub-systems, and interaction between internal components (closed system) and external components (internal system). The systems approach implies that decisions and actions in one organizational area will affect other areas. For example, if the purchasing department does not acquire the right quantity and quality of inputs, the production department would not be able to do its job. This approach recognizes that an organization relies on the environment for essential inputs. Further, the environment serves as an outlet for its outputs. Empirical Review Opara and Mbani (2022) examined the relationship between avoidance management strategies and workplaceharmony in oil servicing firms in Rivers State. The study adopted cross sectional and ex-post facto design. Data were generated by quantitative and qualitative method. The study used purposive sampling techniques. A total population of 330, sample size of 321 was determined using Yaro Yamane’s formula at 0.05 level of significance. Also, 321 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the respondents, while 317 copies were completed and retrieved. The instruments were validated with reliability above 0.7 co-efficient, using Cronbach Alpha technique. The reliability coefficient analysis was avoidance (α =.882), accommodating (α=878), mediation (α=866), infrequent strike (α=884), mutual trust (α=870), management workers cooperation (α=882) and organisation culture (α=887). Three hypotheses were raised which was tested with Pearson Product Moment Correlation. From the findings, the concept of avoidance conflict management strategies creates positive impact on infrequent strike, mutual trust and management workers cooperation. In conclusion, avoidance strategies have significant influence on the workplace harmony of the oil servicing firm. Based on the findings and conclusion, this study contributes tothe knowledge that effective conflict management encourages enthusiasm, boosts morale, and stimulates individual and organizational development; while ineffective conflict management produces more conflict and destructively effects the whole organization. It could be recommended that oil producing firms in Port Harcourt should endeavor to adopt and use mediation as a means of settling organizational conflicts to achieve lasting harmony. Also, workers or employees should do their best to avoid confronting organizational matters in such a way that it will result to management- worker non-cooperation. Mojaye and Dedekuma (2015) conducted a study on the influence of communication on Industrial Harmony in the Civil Service of Delta State Nigeria. The study tries to establish a link between communication and good industrial relations and industrial peace. The study focused on the Delta State Civil Service and attempted to find out the role that effective communication had played in ensuring industrial peace since the advent of the state. Questionnaires were administered to 325 civil servants out of which only 299 were useful. One of the research questions was whether there is any relationship between industrial harmony and effective communication. The study showed that while effective communication may not necessarily lead to good industrial relations but it may engender industrial peace. Ukonu and Gideon (2016) investigated the role of the national industrial court in sustaining harmony in the Nigerian health sector: a case of the University of Abuja teaching hospital. The main objective is to examine the role National Industrial Court (NIC) has played in sustaining harmony in Nigeria health sector while the specific objective is to examine the role National industrial Court has previously played and can still play futuristically to enhance the desired industrial harmony in University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, the entire health sector and other sectors of the economy. This study concludes, that the role of the National Industrial Court in sustaining industrial/organizational harmony especially in the health sector cannot be over emphasized. Industrial harmony is requisite to economic growth, development, and industrial advancement in any economy. As such, whether in the instances of inter-union disputes or the demesnes of employee and employer relationships, NIC has risen to the challenge to extinguish the rising tensions that might have escalated out of proportion in UATH as well as other institutions. Akuh (2015) investigated industrial harmony for academic excellence: an imperative for a productive educational system in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to discuss the imperative of industrial harmony for academic excellence and a productive educational system in Nigeria. To ensure harmonious industrial relations, the leader of every institution will need to encourage, open and frank discussion of the institution’s problems with the subordinates; seek the opinion of those doing the institutional job i.e. the staff; explain their discussion to those who have to carry them out; recognize the contributions of all involved in the institutional job; set collaborative goals to encourage teamwork instead of autocracy and listen to rather than talk at their subordinates. In conclusion, an effective and understood grievance procedure that is simple, straightforward, flexible, proactive, responsive, devoid of protocol, and time conscious is central to harmonious industrial relations. Above all, promoting visionary and disciplined leadership within our educational system is a key to a conducive environment for learning devoid of corrupt practices and indiscipline. Sholokwu and Olori (2016) investigated management practices and industrial harmony in oil and gas firms in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study examined the relationship between Management Practices and Industrial Harmony in the Oil and Gas Firms in Rivers State. A sample size of 343 was derived using the Taro Yamane formula from the population of 2400 respondents that consist of managers and employees in twelve oil and gas firms in Rivers State. A descriptive survey method of research was adopted and data were collected through a questionnaire. The demographic data were analyzed using simple percentages and Mean scores were used in the analysis of items on the questionnaire. The Spearman’s Rank Correlation statistical method was used to test the seven hypotheses at 0.01 level of significance which was facilitated by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The results revealed a significant relationship between Management practice and Industrial harmony. It was also found that organizational culture significantly moderates the relationship between managerial practices and industrial harmony in Oil and Gas Companies in Rivers State. Therefore, the study concludes that Management practice affects Industrial harmony in Oil and Gas Companies in Rivers State. Based on the findings, the study recommended that Oil and Gas Companies should embark on good management practices by implementing the collective agreement, reducing casualization of staff, and developing a promotion policy, to fewer incidences of strikes and grievances to attain industrial harmony. However, this research is not exhaustive; hence, it suggests that future research should be carried out on the effect of staff casualization practices on industrial harmony in manufacturing firms in Rivers State. Nwokocha (2015) conducted a conceptual study on the title Employers and the Enhancement of Industrial Harmony in Private Sector Organizations in Nigeria. The study examines the role of employers in enhancing industrial harmony in organizations with a focus on private sector organizations in Nigeria. The paper posits that conflict is inevitable in all organizations and, assuch, the employer who has the responsibility of making major organizational policies to achieve corporate objectives must play a dominant role in ensuring industrial harmony. The paper exposes some of the factors that undermine industrial harmony and productivity in private sector organizations to include leadership behaviour, lack of effective communication, work environment, and non-recognition of the trade union as a bargaining party. It further explicates that productivity and growth are not fully enhanced because of management practice of exclusionism, poor labour-management policies, and dehumanization of the work environment. As a panacea to mitigate conflict and promote a culture of harmony that will achieve the organizational goal, the study proposes that management of private sector organizations in Nigeria should fashion out a framework of joint committee/expanded collective bargaining, create a work culture that is based on collaboration and teamwork, initiate participatory management and develop and restructure an effective communication process. Instituting these measures will help to close conflictual loopholes that hinder industrial harmony and productivity in private sector organizations in Nigeria. Mojaye and Dedekuma (2015) conducted a study on the influence of communication on Industrial Harmony in the Civil Service of Delta State Nigeria. The study tries to establish a link between communication and good industrial relations and industrial peace. The study focused on the Delta State Civil Service and attempted to find out the role that effective communication had played in ensuring industrial peace since the advent of the state. Questionnaires were administered to 325 civil servants out of which only 299 were useful. One of the research questions was whether there is any relationship between industrial harmony and effective communication. The study showed that while effective communication may not necessarily lead to good industrial relations but it may engender industrial peace. In South Africa, Green (2016) examined the perceived influence of organizational productivity. The study employed a quantitative paradigm using a non-probability sampling technique. Data were collected from a total of 161 employees using a strusctured questionnaire across two different office sites in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The researcher found that an association exists between organizational policies and employee benefit; organizational policies and performance appraisal; and performance appraisal and employee benefit. Furthermore, in a case study of selected bank in Nigeria, Igudia (2021) examined the effect of organisational change on employee productivity in the banking sector. The primary data collection method was adopted employing questionnaire strategy. 102 respondents were selected as sample size. The study used the multiple regression statistical analysis through SPSS statistical package version 25 for analysis. The results showed that organisational change has a positively significant impact on employee productivity. Similarly, Okolocha (2021) investigated the effect of job satisfaction on employee productivity of public universities in South-East, Nigeria. The researcher adopted a survey research design. Data collection was ensured through the use questionnaires distributed among academic staff of South-East States of Nigerian public universities. Regression analysis was used to test the two formulated hypotheses with aid of SPSS version 20.0. the result revealed that working condition and salary have positive significant effect on the employee productivity of public universities in South-East, Nigeria Gap in Literature Although there are several empirical literature that shows some promising interrelationship between performance, organizational change and employees productivity, majority of these research had been conducted outside the banking sector domain and devoid of considerable attention on workplace harmony. The existing research is well documented in the literature that dissatisfaction among employees due to inhibiting factors within the organization may adversely effect organizational productivity. However, this present study is motivated by the need to evaluate the impact of workplace harmony on organizational productivity among banking sectors in Nigeria. This study will help to close the gap and add to the existing literature on the organizational productivity with unique reference to banking sector. Methodology This study adopted a correlation research design. A total of four hundred and thirty-five (435) employees were selected from three different banks (First Bank plc, United Bank of Africa (UBA), and Access Bank) located in Anambra State, Nigeria. The participants were drawn from the senior and junior staff of the selected banks using a multi-stage sampling technique. The ages of the participants ranged from 18 to 70 years, with a mean age of 37.05 and a standard deviation of 10.62. They comprised 123 males and 312 females. The sample size was determine using Taro Yamane formula (1964).The instrument employed for data collection is questionnaire constructed by the researchers. In order to ensure that the instrument measure what it was designed for, content and construct validity was used to validate the instrument. Cronbach alpha was used to test for the reliability ofthe instrument at a 5% level of significance. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was employed fordata analysis. Data Presentation and Analysis Test of Hypothesis One Mutual trust has no significant positive relationship with organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State Table 1: Pearson r on Mutual trust and organizational productivity The result in Table 1 above showed that there is a significant positive relationship between mutual trust and organizational productivity at r = .14, p< .05.Thus, the first hypothesis of the study was hereby rejected. By implication, this means that as a positive mutual trust increases, employees productivity level also increases, hence, improving employees’ job competence, commitment, and general organizational relationship. Test of Hypothesis Two H02: Communication has no significant positive relationship with organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State. Table 2: Pearson r on Students’ Communication and organizational productivity of selected commercial Banks in Anambra State The inspection from Table 2 above revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between channel of communication and organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Anambra State at r = .32, p< .05. for this reason, the second hypothesis of the study was rejected. This indicates that proper channels of communication between the management and employees will increase organizational productivity of deposit money banks in Anambra State. Similarly, the stronger the communication in an organisationthe higher the productivity level which may result to a remarkable success in a competitive working environment like banking sectors in Nigeria. Summary of the findings
Conclusion The study in the light of the broad and specific objectives which determine the nature of the relationship between workplaceharmony and organizational productivity of selected deposit money Banks in Anambra State; with the specific objectives to ascertain the extent to which mutual trust and communication have a significant positive relationship with organizational productivity of selected deposit money Banks in Anambra State. The research study concludes that the nature of workplace harmony adopted by banks significantly influences their productivity in various dimensions. The obvious conclusion is that conformity and compliance with the harmonious work practices will aid the bank competitiveness while involvement in disharmonious conduct may spell distress or lead to the bank’s total collapse. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made:
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