ThesisHelper is a specialized service of Klamidas that offers writers and academic researchers expert guidance and assistance to enable them produce quality papers or manuscripts. You can engage us from the beginning of your assignment – long essay, research paper/book project, thesis or dissertation – or you can ask us to assist you in dealing with an aspect of it (such as research proposal or literature review). Typically, most of our customers simply fill this form and upload their script or paper (whatever they have been able to write about their topic or subject matter) – and we take it up from there.

At ThesisHelper, we use our research, writing and presentation competence to offer individualized service to every scholar or researcher who relies on our expert knowledge and guidance. As such, we don’t sell pre-written essays. What a ThesisHelper professional does is to collaborate with you in writing your paper, project or dissertation so that you can benefit from our vast knowledge, analytical and presentation skills and achieve success. 

Our paper and thesis writing services are legitimate. All we do at ThesisHelper is helping scholars, researchers or authors to locate the information and analytical insight they require to tackle their challenging assignments, thereby speeding up their learning process and making them succeed in their academic work.

We offer 100% plagiarism-free service. This is why whenever you invite us to assist you, you will never be accused of cheating. Our academic specialists are highly experienced and you can rely on us to confidentially help you produce an original paper or dissertation.

At the moment, ThesisHelper‘s academic research, analysis and presentation services are offered to all undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional researchers majoring in any discipline in the faculties of Arts, Social Sciences, Management Sciences, Law and Education. We will add more faculties when we get enough specialists in those areas. However, our book manuscript research, editing and pre-publishing services are available to all authors irrespective of their field.

Our Services
* Thesis/Academic Research * Proof-Reading/Editing 
* Biographical Writing * Book Manuscript Services

8 Reasons Why You Should Choose ThesisHelper

1. Quality Service: Our able specialists offer the best quality service to our customers no matter the nature of the assignment.

2. Individualized Service: We don’t sell pre-written essays. We collaborate with every customer to produce a unique paper or dissertation.
3. Plagiarism-free Service: We offer 100% plagiarism-free service. We help you to ensure that your project is free from plegiarism. 4. Speedy Service: We are never late. We will collaborate with you to ensure that your project is delivered on or before schedule. .
5. Confidential Service: Absolute confidentiality is our hallmark. You can rely on us to confidentially help you produce an original work. 6. Non-Stop Support Service: We offer efficient and timely support to our customers. We keep on assisting even after delivering your project.
7. Free Revision: You can revise or update your work and ask us to perfect it at no extra cost even after our initial delivery of your assignment. This policy is mostly appreciated by those customers writing their dissertations or long essays. 

8. Referral Earning: We pay you 10% of sign-up amount received from any customer you refer to us, provided you are already our customer or had filled our referral form and the new customer had mentioned you in the sign-up form.